The experience exchange group on marketing makes members smarter about marketing and communications. We decide what we want to focus on and have worked on topics like GDPR, crisis communication, SoMe and film. 

When we take on a new topic, we hire a professional speaker who can give us insights, advice, and preferably a few tricks of the trade that we can take home and use in each of our businesses. We usually spend the following session working on the topic ourselves in the form of a workshop or a round-table session. 

We hold the meetings in each other’s businesses, starting each time with a presentation and a tour of the host’s premises. This gives us a good insight into each other’s companies, strengthens the network between us and makes it easy to get sparring and help in everyday life. 

In addition, the members of the Marketing Experience Group have access to a closed Facebook group where they can share relevant input, spar and ask for help. 

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