Stena Line Denmark A/S

Stena Line is the world’s largest ferry operator with 34 vessels and 20 ferry routes in Northern Europe. Stena Line is thus an important part of the European logistics network and plays a major role in tourism in Europe. In Denmark, Stena Line operates the Frederikshavn-Gothenburg and Grenå-Varberg routes. Stena Line is a family-owned subsidiary of Stena A/S, which was founded in 1962 and is headquartered in Gothenburg. Stena Line is part of Stena Sfæren, which has around 20,500 employees and an annual turnover of more than DKK 40 billion. In Denmark, there are about 100 employees, all working to give our customers the best experience when travelling by ferry from Denmark to Sweden or Norway.  


  • Kenneth S. Hardam
  • +45 40 51 28 84


  • Færgehavnsvej 10
  • 9900 Frederikshavn
  • Danmark

Maritime Network Frederikshavn

Webbureau ITTP