P. Conradsen a/s

Since 1926, P. Conradsen a/s has established itself as an extremely safe and reliable supplier to the shipbuilding industry, the fishing sector, and the iron & machinery industry – as well as to state and municipal institutions, primarily in Denmark, but also in export markets such as the Middle East, the USA and parts of Europe. 

Conradsen a/s has – whether it concerns iron and steel, all kinds of tools and machine tools, technical articles, fishing articles and welding equipment – during the last years been in a significant growth – which among other things should be seen in the light of a high personal service, pronounced industry knowledge – combined with the fact that through large purchases both at home and abroad P. Conradsen a/s is always able to achieve a number of advantages, which at all times benefit the customers.

Today, P. Conradsen a/s is divided into a department for iron, steel, tools & technical articles, a machine department, a fishing department, and a welding department. 

Conradsen a/s welcomes both new and old customers under the motto: Always delivering the right product – at the right price – and at the promised delivery time.

Well-informed employees are always ready to solve your wishes. 


  • Peter Conradsen
  • +45 96 20 20 20
  • pc@pconradsen.dk


  • Knivholtvej 4
  • 9900 Frederikshavn
  • Danmark

Maritime Network Frederikshavn

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